Membership Form

Ileap Charity

ILEAP Member Subscription

There is an annual subscription of £12 per year to join the Charity, all subscriptions will be renewed on 1st September each year. Renewals are proratered depending on the month you join.

Please enter information on the form below to process your Member subscription.

If you are looking to renew a current membership please watch this tutorial for help


Participants Details

Please use the calendar button to choose your date of birth.

If different from parent / carer

if applicable

Participants Individual Needs and their Mental Capacity

Participants Capacity to Make Decisions

ILEAP are not able to undertake capacity assessments for our members aged 16 years and over and have to assume that they have capacity to make decisions themselves.

If you believe that the participant named above, lacks capacity to make their own decisions in areas such as: sexual activity, safeguarding, decision making, finance, social media, independent travel, please can you inform us here and we will take this into consideration when thinking of their best interests, if any future scenarios arise where their safety is at risk.
As the majority of our members are still under the care of their parents /carers, in the first instance we will refer any safeguarding concerns to parents / carers / guardians as a matter of course, should you answer yes to this question. If you answer No, then we will assume that they have capacity and will leave them to make their own decisions (which may be poor decisions, such as unhealthy food choices, poor financial decisions such as ordering champagne instead of water, free to develop sexual relationships etc.)

Participants Communication needs

Participants medication needs:

ILEAP are unable to administer medication at our sessions, however we are able to support you to take your own medication. To help us to do this please provide your consent and all of the relevant information. The medication must be in date and in its original packaging. If you are unable to take your own medication with our support you must provide your own 1:1 at sessions where medication is required.

If yes we require a up to date copy of their personalised Epilepsy Care Plan. Please send us a copy either by email or by post.

Participants mobility needs

ILEAP are unable to provide moving and handling at our sessions so the Participant may need to bring their own additional support and / or specialist equipment if they need lifting.

If yes, they will need to provide their own DBS checked worker and any specialist equipment

Participants Personal Care

ILEAP are unable to provide Personal Care at our sessions, however we are able to support you to meet your own personal care needs (supporting / not doing) So that we can meet your needs effectively, please tell us:

Participants Safety

Please tell us is the participant
We run our group sessions on a ratio of 1 DBS checked member of ILEAP staff / volunteer, looking after 4 or 5 participants (1:4, 1:5)

Participants Behavioural needs

ILEAP are unable to use physical restraint at our sessions. You may need to bring your own additional support if you are likely to put yourself or others at risk.
Please tell us, does the participant

Participants Dietary needs

Participants Play / Leisure needs

Participants Personality

Please provide a brief pen portrait about the Participants personality, e.g. (happy/affectionate / great sense of humour)

Additional Information

Please use this space to provide any further information that will be of use to the ILEAP Staff and your chosen leisure provider, so that they can ensure your safety and enjoyment.

Payment Information


ILEAP Charity

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Posability not Disability
Creative & innovative opportunities for all


Contact ILEAP


07980 004381
07956 344589

Contact the ILEAP Chairperson directly:

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