I accept the following Terms and Conditions 

Consent for Information Sharing (GDPR)

Here at ILEAP we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the services you have requested from us.

The information you have provided will be shared with ILEAP Staff and Volunteers and third-party Activity providers to ensure your safety and enjoyment whilst at your chosen activities.

ILEAP will retain this information both on our website and also by our office systems whilst your membership is active. Once you are no longer a member of ILEAP, your data will held for 1 month, to give you time to re-join, and then be deleted from our systems.

Consent for the ILEAP Member Charter
ILEAP Member Charter

This Charter has been produced by ILEAP Members and Staff

We realise that each person and each situation is unique, and we apply common sense when situations arise and try and deal with incidents and challenges in the most positive way for all.

Not all of the information below will be relevant to everyone, as some people may not understand or find things difficult or confusing.

We will of course take this into consideration and offer guidance and support and seek help and advice so everyone can enjoy their chosen sessions. If problems / challenges arise we will try and offer an alternative, but please understand that we have limited resources and have to focus on the wellbeing of the majority.

Whilst being an ILEAP Member:

I have read or listened to the above, and agree to follow the Charter so that everyone at ILEAP can have a safe and enjoyable time.

Safety is our number one priority, closely followed by fun and friendship. ILEAP will endeavour to limit risk to an absolute minimum, however as with all activities certain risks still remain.

Consent of Payment of ILEAP Fees

I hereby consent to paying the fees in respect of places booked. I will pay in advance of each booked session and adhere to the payment and cancellation policy.

Consent for Outings and Trips

I hereby give consent for the Participant to go on walks and outings e.g. To the local park / shops, and trips into the community. I agree to the Participant being transported in a minibus, taxi or staff cars if required as long as all of the relevant checks and insurances are in place..

(Specific consent will be sought for major excursions.)

Consent for Administering Medication whilst at ILEAP Activities

I hereby give consent to delegated ILEAP Staff, administering the medication required according to the details provide in this Membership form. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep the Membership Form up to date with the Participants medical information.

Consent for Emergency medical treatment:

In the event that the Participant is involved in a serious accident whilst taking part in their ILEAP activities, I expect the delegated member of ILEAP Staff, to contact me immediately on the emergency number provided. In the event that the Participant requires immediate medical treatment before I am able to get to the hospital, I authorise the delegated member of ILEAP Staff to consent to emergency medical treatment on my behalf.

Consent to accept all Risks associated with ILEAP Activities

I hereby agree to safely deliver and collect the participant to and from their activity at the agreed drop off and pick up times and locations.

I agree that if I have any concerns over the setting for the activity or the activity itself, I will make an appointment to view the setting and/or the activity before the participant attends and I will contact ILEAP to liaise with them regarding the Participants safety whilst taking part in the activity at the specified venue.

I assume full responsibility for any risk associated with taking part in the activities provided by ILEAP. I fully warrant ILEAP against any claim of any kind in relation to any loss, or injury however occurred.

Consent for Photographs / Video: Updated Oct 2019

I understand that Group Photos are a great way of promoting the work of the ILEAP Charity and I hereby give consent for the Participant appearing in ILEAP photos and videos that may be used for publicity and fundraising purposes, such as press releases, instagram and facebook etc. 

I will contact ILEAP directly should I wish for the Participant not to be photographed, but understand this is not always possible.