Upcoming Activites

ILEAP Parents and Carers Together Willow Workshop 10.45am - 2.45pm

ILEAP Parents and Carers Together Willow Workshop 10.45am - 2.45pm

FREE Willow weaving workshop and lunch for ILEAP Parents and Carers.

Caring Together Warwickshire have allocated ILEAP funding to organise a Parent and Carers support forum.

The aim of this forum is to improve access to information and advice, maintain carer health and wellbeing, help our parents and carers feel connected to the ILEAP community, and ensure your voice is heard.

Chaz, from Wayside Willow Will be leading this FREE activity where parents and carers will make a beautiful festive decoration by weaving willow.
Chaz will teach us what to do, and be on hand to support us throughout the process.
ILEAP Will provide a tasty hot jacket potato lunch and beverages to all attending.

Event Date Tue 12 Dec 23 - 10:45am
Event End Date Tue 12 Dec 23 - 2:45pm
Capacity 10
Spaces 5
Price of Care Free
Location The Kenilworth Centre

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07956 344589

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